As of 10:15 a.m. this morning, we have received NO rain here at the park today. We also received NO rain overnight. Even though we have received no rain here at the park since Tuesday, due to all the rain out west, Red River continues to push lots of water back up in the creek area, creating a muddy creek and in some parts uncrossable creek area. The creek is very muddy. And despite no additional precipitation, due to the much cooler temperature conditions (low 70's yesterday and today), we haven't really had much sun to dry things out. But we are hoping with no additional rain the rest of this week, the trails should be in good riding conditions for the weekend. We'll just have to wait and see what becomes of the weather today (Thurs) and tomorrow (Fri). Also, because the creek is crossable in some areas, access to ALL the park trails is still possible with our current weather/trail conditions.
Also, we have been asked about the weather temperatures at night. It really is great camping weather because you're not going to get hot. In fact, a sweatshirt is probably a good thing to pack.
As of 11:30 p.m., the latest info. on today's weather and trails are as follows: NO RAIN AT ALL TODAY. Yeah! We rode many of the trails this evening in order to take some pictures for everyone and give you the latest info. Today's weather ended up being actually pretty nice. Low 70's throughout the day and then even cooler temperatures this evening. Camping weather, especially, has never been better.
In order to provide everyone with a "preview" of the park conditions, not only did we ride the park today, but we also had our camera with us...because in most cases, a picture is worth a thousand here you go...
This first picture is of the CREEK. Not the Red River, but the creek. Because Red River has pushed so much water up into the creek area...this is what it looks like in some places. (This particular place is not far down from where the creek and the Red River meet) Per our blog, this is one of those creek areas in which we were talking about being "uncrossable." The creek area up by the sandy main old campground areas does NOT look like this. If you are wanting to cross the creek in order to get to the trails on that side of the park, then crossing the creek first thing will be what you need to do to access those particular trails. But again, NONE OF OUR TRAILS ARE CLOSED. All the trails are accessible and open to riding even though the creek can only be crossed in select places. Also, in fact, the majority of our trails, probably 2,000+ acres are on the north side of our property anyways and do not require crossing a creek or any body of water to begin with.
This second picture, I thought was pretty neat. This evening as we were riding, it was so cool out (temperature wise), that we weren't alone...a lot of wildlife was out. Here is a picture of the deer that was watching us.
This third picture was taken at the "Waterfall." Many of you will recognize it from the Red Bull LMS 2005 race except that back then, it really didn't have much of any water in it. Today, it was very scenic with lots of water.
This fourth picture we really feel is worth a thousand words...the reason being is because it conveys the trail conditions at the park. While mud is a problem to a certain extent, also due to the recent rains, you may be riding along just fine, but then come to a big puddle in the middle of the trail, like shown what happened to us today. So basically we just found a different way around and we were well on our way. The puddles are kinda random.
The last three pictures are various pictures taken of the Red River. It is evident from these pictures that the Red River is flowing bank to bank and is very wide. No sandbar in sight...
This is a picture of the Red River taken from the top of Triple Threat.
This is a picture of the Red River at the mouth of the creek area.
This last picture of the Red River is taken at the old campgrounds down by the River.
** Just to clarify, these RRMT Trail/Weather Conditions Blog are written by RRMT, Inc. Staff that are actually at the park in Bulcher. We cannot emphasize enough that these are the most accurate conditions that you will get anywhere. We are well aware that on forums, riders like to speculate about what the weather/trails are like at Bulcher or various other riding places. Again, if you want the weather/trails reported accurately, please always check our blog site for the most accurate and up-to-date conditions in real time. **
Happy Trails,
RRMT, Inc. Staff