Happy Thursday...

The Holidays Are Upon Us! There is no better time to spend time with the family & enjoy the great outdoors all at the same time. Besides, December in Texas never looked so good! If you haven't made plans to come see us, you better.
Overnight we received NO rain. Currently this morning as of 7 a.m., it is just now getting light outside at the moment. However, we are anticipating another gorgeous day in Bulcher complete with clear, sunny skies and fantastic temperatures. We have received NO rain thus far today.
Final update for the evening as of 6:25 p.m., awesome weather today...sunny skies and nice temperatures. NO rain today. Tomorrow's already Friday...we'll bring you a comprehensive update first thing in the morning so you can start thinking about your upcoming weekend.
Just a reminder to already start getting you to think about the upcoming weekend...don't spend it cooped up in the house, come see us...we'll be OPEN this coming Saturday, December 22nd and Sunday, December 23. If you would like to come any other day, please call our park office for an appointment, as we would love to accommodate your holiday plans!
Happy Holidays!
Happy Trails,
RRMT, Inc. Staff