Happy President's Day!

Well as a recap on yesterday...what a day! Around noon or so, we started having snow flurries in our area. It was really unbelievable as it came down for a good while...probably close to an hour or hour and a half of the white stuff. But of course, no accumulation, just enough to make the day more wet and messy. After that ended, we did not have any further precipitation yesterday or overnight. This morning as of 9:20 a.m., we have a current temperature of 30 degrees. While the sun that has already made its debut & looks promising to warm us up, it feels even colder today due to the extremely windy conditions we are experiencing. The high today is only supposed to be in the low to mid 40's....so stay warm! We have received NO rain thus far today.
If you are lucky enough to have today off due to the holiday...we are NOT open to the general public today. Thus, you must be a member & have an appointment with the park office for weekday access today, President's Day.
It's time to start dreaming about next weekend...hopefully it will be warmer & less wet. RRMT, Inc. will be OPEN this weekend...Saturday, February 20 & Sunday, February 21. We will have park operation hours of 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. both days. All Members, Guests, and Visitors Welcome This Weekend!
Have a nice day...
RRMT, Inc. Staff