Monday, August 13, 2007


Good Morning...

This morning we can report that we received NO rain overnight. Currently this morning as of 7:15 a.m., we already have clear skies, and the sun is already beginning to shine and break thru the clouds. We will probably have some warm temperatures at the park today, but other than that, the weather should be nice for riding.

Here's your final update for the day as of 4:25 p.m....another very hot day here in North Texas. As expected... it was hot, sunny, and dry with NO rain today.

Also, just as a reminder to everyone...keep the RSVPs for our 35th Anniversary is extremely vital that you RSVP...because if you do not, you will not be guaranteed a meal due to food planning purposes...So don't delay...get your RSVP in today...deadline is September 15, 2007!

* Also, an important note...sometimes we are noticing that in the case of this past weekend, we are posting blogs, but they are not being updated on screen in a timely some case, there is a couple hours delay and in the case of yesterday (Sunday), we posted a blog both in the a.m. and p.m. and it never did update on took until this morning (Monday) for it to update. So we wanted to let everyone know that if they ever get to this website and they do not see a recent post updated on screen, what they need to do is to look over to the right hand side of the screen (below the words "Blog Archive” and try clicking on the year, such as "2007" currently, or the month, "August" currently...we have found that when a recent post has not been updated on screen, if you click one of these links, even though the recent post was not showing up when you logged onto the website, it will suddenly pop up on screen for you to to read. So just FYI...thus for some of you that are not being able to see our posts...try this method, because we are posting them.

Happy Trails,
RRMT, Inc. Staff