It's Monday...already, but at least its only a four day work week for many. Just a reminder that due to the Fourth of July Holiday, we will be open Wednesday, July 4th with hours of operation that day of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Update as of 8:40 a.m., we received NO rain overnight. Also, the sun is out currently. This sun will help dry out those random puddles in trails.
Also, I am just now getting these posted, but wanted to share some pictures with you from the here you go:
This first picture was taken from the top of the second gate camping area. For the most part this weekend, those at the park this weekend enjoyed sunny, clear skies.
On Sunday, this rider enjoyed the sand pit area. We are very lucky that the park has not been receiving all the rain that other parts of Texas has been getting. But even if we had, the soil/sand at our park tends to absorb water quickly.
As one can see above, the trails are in good condition...except for that occasional puddle you may find. But since the sun has been out a lot lately, those puddles are drying up and getting smaller....see below...
This picture above was taken from the bottom of Pump Jack Hill on Saturday. There is a trail that runs directly under and around this hill. I am standing on the trail looking out at the creek. The Red River still has a lot of water backed up in this part of the creek area, but luckily the water in the creek and the Red River is receding...(even if it might not look like it)...its a slow process.
These next two pictures below are of the creek. On Saturday the water in the creek was still flowing swiftly and many found that it was uncrossable like these two motorcycle riders here. But then on Sunday, many of us that watch the conditions every day, started to notice with the sun out and warm conditions that the water in the creek had begun to recede...allowing many to start crossing it again without any problem.
Taken on Sunday, below is a picture of the creek crossing area in the old main camping area down by the sand pit.
Thus the pictures tell the story...with good current trail conditions & none of our trails closed, we are gearing up for Wednesday and a great 4th of July.
Update as of 5:30 p.m....NO rain today & we enjoyed clear and sunny skies.
Happy Trails,
RRMT, Inc. Staff