We thought this blog was due in order to keep everyone posted on the current projects that we have underway at RRMT, Inc. We have several projects that we are working on that people will see start making a difference at the park in the coming months. Below the current projects we have underway are listed with a description in no particular order:
RV Electrical Pads - Members Only
If you've been out to RRMT, Inc. in the last couple of weeks, then you would have seen that we broke ground on the construction for the new RV pads. These pads will be for members only & by reservation only. They will consist of both 30 & 50 amp hookups. These RV pads are located in the second gate camping area. More information (reservation instructions, prices, etc.) will be forthcoming as we get closer to completion. For now, you may enjoy pictures of some of the beginning construction work of these new individual RV sites.
New Park Website
At this time we are currently working on a new park website that should make its debut by fall (fingers crossed). We think everyone will find that it will be a great improvement over what we have currently....so keep an eye out for its launch in the coming months.
Point of Interest Signs
As promised, we will be putting up point of interest signs around the park out on the trails. We finally finished the bulk of the signs and they are ready to be set. The heat lately though has been overwhelming so it may be late August before we start setting these. The 100+ degree days are a big deterrent from getting them up right now....but they will be coming soon. Once we get these up, everyone should find that these are a big asset to the park and our trail system. This is just another exciting feature to look forward to in the coming months at RRMT, Inc.
As always, thanks for everyone's patience. Our intention at RRMT, Inc. is always to have a couple of projects going on for the benefit of our members & clientele. As you can imagine, improvement doesn't happen overnight, but yet takes a while. However, we can assure you that we are always working hard & doing our best to earn your business as one of the best recreational facilities.
RRMT, Inc. Staff