Hello....It's Friday! We are getting back in the swing of things here just in time for the weekend. As a tribute to Red Bull LMS, we posted lots of pictures of the event during this week and thus did not update you on the weather this past we have a lot of catching you up to do...
Overall this week has been very cold and dreary. During this week as of now, we have received 1 inch and 3 tenths of rain. However, yesterday, we actually saw the sun for a brief time, but unfortunately that didn't last long. Overnight we received NO rain. Currently as of 12:30 p.m., we have extremely foggy conditions. In fact, visibility is very minimal. It is very cold, approximately 33 (brrrrrrrr) degrees here currently. In lieu of the fog, it is just a very dreary winter day here today. In light of current conditions and the news forecasts, it is hard to tell what to expect this weekend. We have heard everything from rain to snow flurries. It is if you don't like the forecast, just wait 5 minutes and it is likely to change. So the best we can do is to keep you updated so you can plan accordingly.
Final update for the day as of 4 p.m....well as predicted, today has just been a gloomy day. The sun never made it out today and ever since our last post, it has been on and off misting rain. However, no really measurable rain amount has been received. It is still very cold here today.
Just a reminder...We will be OPEN this weekend both tomorrow, Saturday, December 15 and Sunday, December 16 with hours of operation each day of 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Hope everyone has a Great Friday!
Happy Trails,
RRMT, Inc. Staff