Monday, October 12, 2009


If you haven't checked out our events page lately on our website, you may want to glance at it....we now have more scheduled and confirmed events at the park during the upcoming fall riding season that is quickly approaching. Thus, as a result, there will be some upcoming park closures in the fall due to these races. Please check these dates out so you are "in the know". Furthermore, as a result of the upcoming ENDURO and TORO RACES at the park in the fall, trail preparation is now underway particularly over in the Bill's Woods & New Property areas. As of Sunday, July 26, access to the Bill's Woods & New Property areas has now been closed. These areas will not re-open until sometime in November after preparation as well as enduro/toro race cleanup has been conducted. All other areas at the park are OPEN to general public riding & will not be affected by race preparation.

RRMT, Inc. Staff