Monday, October 12, 2009


If you will refer to a previous blog, we announced that as of Sunday, July 26 we had closed off Bill's Woods & New Property from riding due to ENDURO & TORO Race Prep. During the weekend of August 15 & 16, an individual or individuals took down the tied up fence into the Bill's Woods area and entered the area for riding. We would like to remind everyone that this is UNACCEPTABLE. Please remember that we do reserve the right to close areas off from time to customers to our park must remember that if they have come to a closed off area, they must turn around and go another way. NEVER ARE CUSTOMERS AT OUR PARK TO UNLOCK GATES, TAKE DOWN FENCES, AND/OR CUT FENCE LOCKS OR CHAINS TO GAIN ACCESS TO CLOSED OFF AREAS. It is really important that we have your cooperation in this matter to help us keep people out of these two areas. When people enter these closed areas, problems are just created since the trails are being worked on in there for the upcoming October races we will be having at our park. Please note that we will open these areas back up for riding as soon as these races are over & clean-up in these areas have been conducted.

We appreciate everyone's attention to this matter & please note that those that continue to do this, not abide by the rules, & are caught, you will be subject to being prosecuted and/or barred from the park regardless if you are a member, guest, or visitor.

RRMT, Inc. Staff