A Sigh of Relief Goes The Crowd...Finally Friday!
While we didn't receive any rain yesterday, we did get some moisture overnight...2 tenths of rain was received. This afternoon as of 1 p.m., we have a current temperature of 53. It is partly cloudy today, but overall we have clear conditions as the sun has tried a little today to come out, but has been unsuccessful as of yet. Nevertheless, it is a nice day as we have already topped out at our high temperature of the day. The forecast is calling for possible additional showers for our area either tonight or early tomorrow, but we'll just have to wait and see & keep you posted. We have received NO rain thus far today. The weather outlook for this weekend looks particularly bright as it will be a great opportunity for everyone to get rid of the "cold weather blues" we have all had recently & get outdoors for some much needed recreational fun. Time to kick off your weekend...
Just as a recap, leading up to today, here are this week's rainfall totals that we pulled off each of our daily blogs from the week:
overnight—2 Tenths Of Rain
* Friday (TODAY)-- NO PRECIPITATION as of 1 p.m.
A little moisture this week, but not much!
All of our trails are OPEN....this includes all trails on both the North & East sides. Bill's Woods & the New Property are both open as well...ENJOY!
Mountain Creek is at its normal level, except down toward the mouth of the Red River where we advise riders to use caution. No problem crossing Mountain Creek at this time. With only a little moisture this week, muddy conditions are not anticipated. There may be a few standing puddles in some low lying/shaded trails, but those will be few and far between. Otherwise, trails will be dry & great for weekend riding. Reminder: Just because a trail was there on your last ride...don't expect it to be there on your next ride. Water (from the April 2009 rains) has really changed a lot of our trail system, so we advise everyone to use extreme caution even when riding on trails that you were once familiar.
Riders to RRMT, Inc. will now find that RRMT, Inc. has over 30 new point of interest signs installed out on the trails. These are a great new addition to the park & we are very proud of them! These signs will help you catch the iRide Bulcher, Texas fever as you continue to learn about the various unique parts of the RRMT, Inc. Facility!
** Please note that as of the winter riding season, our sign project has been put on hold. We will resume crafting and putting up the rest of these signs probably in the spring time frame, when all winter weather is completely over with!
The Red River remains at its normal level. There still remains some lurking murky water/quicksand being pushed up into the mouth of Mountain Creek from the river, so watch out for it...getting stuck is possible.
While riding in Mountain Creek is possible and crossing the creek is also possible...please use caution when in the creek, especially further down the creek toward the river. It is very possible to sink your recreational vehicle in the creek due to quicksand if not careful. Please note that if you get stuck, RRMT, Inc. is under no obligation to tow you out!
Do you have your RV Rental for this weekend? RRMT, Inc. offers Member RV Site Rentals on a daily basis. Reservations are recommended if you desire a particular RV Site. Otherwise, all walk-up RV Site rentals are welcome as well. Please note that in addition to these rental sites, as usual, RRMT, Inc. also offers free other campsites that are always available via first come-first serve for your convenience.
** As of this afternoon, we still have several available for weekend rental.
Just a reminder: NTTA's Trials Event This Weekend
* Don't forget...RRMT, Inc. is hosting a trials competition this weekend...tomorrow, Saturday, January 16 & Sunday, January, 17 at the park. This event will not interfere with normal weekend park riding, so come on out as we will be open to the general public for normal weekend riding/camping.
2010 RRMT, Inc. Memberships Now On Sale!
If you weren't a member in 2009, but are planning on joining for 2010...don't forget that 2010 RRMT, Inc. Memberships are now on sale to the general public! Member benefits start immediately. A great deal & just in time for the new year! If you will be visiting the park this weekend, a new 2010 membership may be just what you need! Ask us for details.
2009 RRMT, Inc. Members May Renew Now For 2010!
Registration is now open for current 2009 members to renew their memberships for 2010. You can mail your stuff in or bring it with you to the park office on your next visit. If you will be visiting this weekend, upon check-in at the park office, we can provide you with renewal paperwork to complete if you need any help with finalizing needed park documentation.
NO BURN BAN for Cooke County or thus at RRMT, Inc.
The time is NOW to get excited about YOUR WEEKEND...After all YOUR ADVENTURE AWAITS!
RRMT, Inc. will be OPEN this weekend...tomorrow, Saturday, January 16 & Sunday, January 17! We will have park operation hours of 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. both days. All Members, Guests, and Visitors Welcome This Weekend!
Signing off...
RRMT, Inc. Staff